Schon bevor Unterhosenbomber und Ganzkörper-Scanner das Reisen noch etwas mühsamer machten, gab es genügend Gründe dafür, Flugreisen nicht mehr als uneingeschränktes Vergnügen anzusehen. Die Folge: Videokonferenzen gewinnen immer mehr Anhänger. Mit dem neuen 787 Dreamliner will nun aber Boeing Fliegen wieder attraktiver machen.

“The light is fairly standard during boarding and while cruising. During meals it is adjusted to warmer tones. Once you're done eating and want to tilt the seat back and relax, the cabin can be bathed in a relaxing lavender hue. When it's time to sleep, the lights are turned way down. But it's how the crew wakes you that's the best part of the Dreamliner's lighting. Instead of flicking the lights on and flooding the cabin in light, the cabin will brighten slowly, with the light transitioning from the purples and oranges of a sunrise to yellows, and eventually white against a blue sky. Boeing's thought is mimicking the light schedule of your destination, some of the dreaded jet lag can be alleviated.
Gone is that dreaded moment when, after you finally fall asleep, that passenger in the window seat raises the shade to make sure the Pacific Ocean is still there and fills the cabin with sunlight. The windows of the 787 don't have shades. They use an electrochromic dimmable system. You can let in all the light you want -- or none at all -- at the flick of a switch. Of course, the crew has a master switch, so when it's time to sleep, that guy in the window seat can only get just enough light to confirm the Pacific hasn't gone anywhere without bothering everybody else...”
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